Non-Surgical Cosmetic

Welcome to Pine & River Aesthetics, the non-invasive side of cosmetic facial care. Pine & River Aesthetics is a medspa that works hand-in-hand with Dr. Byron Wilkes. Not everyone wants or needs cosmetic surgery so we’re happy to have non-surgical options for our patients at Pine & River Aesthetics, which is located in our Rodney Parham location.
We know that everyone has a natural beauty that makes them unique; it’s a part of who you are. Like the slow carving of a river through the hills of Arkansas or the steady skyward stretch of a pine, this beauty grows with time.
At Pine & River Aesthetics, we want to help you maintain your beauty through all the stages of your life. Our philosophy is simple. Aging is a gift. We’re here to help you do it gracefully.
Dull Skin
Dull skin can be a product of many things. At Pine & River Aesthetics, we custom build you a skincare plan to brighten your appearance and give you that goddess glow. Our solutions range from proven Skin Health products, chemical peels, to laser treatments and HydraFacials. It all starts with a VISIA Skin analysis. This 3D imaging system allows us to build a truly custom plan for your skin by treating your symptoms at the root. The VISIA will also allow us to track your progress, giving us side-by-side before and after images. We monitor and adjust your plan as needed. We’re passionate about skin and we love helping our patients understand and love their skin.
Fine Lines & Wrinkles
Fine lines and wrinkles occur as we age. Just think, if you have wrinkles, you’re blessed to have a lot of years of life! However, we know that not everyone wants to show off these signs of aging and so, we develop personalized plans for our patients to nudge back the clock. There are many solutions to fine lines and wrinkles including great skin health with our ZO products, HydraFacials, chemical peels, laser treatments and injectables. We’ll help you find the perfect combination of solutions. It all starts with a VISIA Skin analysis. This 3D imaging system allows us to build a truly custom plan for your skin by treating your symptoms at the root. The VISIA will also allow us to track your progress, giving us side-by-side before and after images. We monitor and adjust your plan as needed.
Deep Lines, Wrinkles
Deeper lines and wrinkles come as we advance in years. Our skin loses a lot of fat, elasticity, and collagen which allows for sinking, sagging, and larger wrinkles to form in our skin. The best solutions to reduce deep lines and wrinkles are preventative. However, even working to prevent these with great skin care products and services, none of us can escape these aging signs completely. Don’t worry, though! There are solutions! We’ll be happy to walk you through what our laser treatments, PRF treatments, injections and chemical peels can do for you! Your custom plan will start with a VISIA Skin analysis. The VISIA will also allow us to track your progress, giving us side-by-side before and after images. We monitor and adjust your plan as needed. At the point when non-invasive treatments are not getting you the results you’re after, we’ll be happy to introduce you to our Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Byron Wilkes at McFarland Eye Care. He has many surgical options that can restore more than just your appearance.
Acne is another normal part of skin health. Everyone will get blackheads and pimples from time to time. However, there’s a persistent acne that needs a personalized attack plan. We’ll walk you through how to care for your skin and treat acne at the same time. We’ll start with our proven ZO Skin Health products and also talk about HydraFacials and laser skin treatments. Getting back your glow is possible! We’d love to help! It all starts with a VISIA Skin analysis. This 3D imaging system allows us to build a truly custom plan for your skin by treating your symptoms at the root. The VISIA will also allow us to track your progress, giving us side-by-side before and after images. We monitor and adjust your plan as needed.
Facial Scarring
Facial scarring can occur from many different things and every scar is different. We analyze the scar or scar area from different layers of skin using our VISIA 3D Camera. Here we’re able to determine the nature of the scar(s) and develop a treatment plan to lessen the appearance of the scar or make it disappear completely. Our broad range of laser skin treatments are perfectly apt to handle this job. We’ll walk you through the best solution(s) and monitor your progress as we go with the VISIA.
Unwanted Hair
Everyone has some unwanted hair somewhere. We have some great laser treatments that can address your area(s) of concern. From never having to shave your underarms again to feeling confident in swimwear, we’ve got a solution with laser hair removal. We’ll start with a detailed questionnaire about your skin and from here we’ll develop a plan for you. With laser hair removal, you will always have to have more than one treatment. We’ll monitor and adjust the number of treatments and intensity according to your goals and how your skin reacts.
Age Spots & Skin Discoloration
From freckles to age spots, skin discoloration can occur at any age. We have many treatments and laser treatments to lessen the appearance of skin discoloration or remove it completely. Treating skin discoloration is a very personalized process so we’ll begin with a 3D VISIA Skin analysis. The VISIA will also allow us to track your progress, giving us side-by-side before and after images. We monitor and adjust your plan as needed.
Rosacea is a reality for millions of people. Our laser skin treatments, specifically our IPL laser, can dramatically reduce the signs of Rosacea and reveal your best skin ever. We’ll start with a VISIA Skin analysis. This 3D imaging system allows us to build a truly custom plan for your skin by treating your symptoms at the root. The VISIA will also allow us to track your progress, giving us side-by-side before and after images. We monitor and adjust your plan as needed. We’re passionate about skin and we love helping our patients understand and love their skin.